Puzzle Details
From the ebay auction description:
"About the puzzle
Trapentrix has only 2 axes of rotation with 3 possible positions for each. So, only 2 independent moves are possible in any state. But simplicity of this puzzle is deceptive. Due to stored cuts, solution of this puzzle should be very challenging. I have never heard that anyone had ever solved it virtually or physically.
This is one of the few puzzles discovered with deeper-than-origin cuts - both cutting layers lie behind the origin (intersection point of turning axes).
General information
1. The puzzle was 3D-printed at Shapeways in White, Strong & Flexible, thoroughly sanded to achieve best turning and dyed with RIT black powder dye.
2. It has high quality machine-cut vinyl fluorescent stickers (Oracal) in blue, green, red, orange, white and yellow.
3. The puzzle turns very easily not to say a bit loosely. Still it is very stable and does not pop."
Weight: 23g
Size: Pentagon edge length 3.5cm
External Links
Twisty Puzzles: Timur's Trapentrixhttp://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=23717Shapeways: Trapentrixhttp://www.shapeways.com/model/554241/trapentrix.htmlYouTube: Trapentrixhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTIBfwYfZuY