Puzzle Details
Probably the most amazing puzzle presented in 2011. It is a Megaminx within a Master Pentultimate. A technically perfect mechanism allows very smooth twists. Regarding the two puzzles, each face of the inner Megaminx is connected to the outer deep-cut face of the Master Pentultimate. This makes it highly complex to solve both layers together.
When I received the Shapeways pieces for the Multi Dodec, the stickers from Tom were already there, so that I could immediately start to assemble and sticker the puzzle. Assembly is easy. Of course you need twelve M3 screws, but that's it. You can see the procedure in the pictures. The most tiring part was adding the stickers on the inner layer. I used (as recommended - I read it afterwards) some tweezers. For each small sticker I first took a sharp cutter to release the sticker from its base as the foil is quite thin, then I took it from the knife with one small tweezer, adjusted it in the puzzle and pressed it down with a second tweezer. Then with the flat back side of the small one I pressed it down over the whole sticker surface. A lot of single steps and changing tools for each sticker. After a while I took my smartphone to measure the time - it was about 4:30 for the ten stickers of one colour :) Less than 30secs per sticker - not too bad I think. The outer stickers were more the relaxing part later on.
I have to emphasize, that I ordered the puzzle as WSF polished. So I had NOT to clean surfaces, rails etc. before stickering. That would have been really annoying. If you don't insist on a black body (assumed you don't want to colour it by your own), the polished version is worth every buck!!!
After completion the puzzle immediately worked fine. As the outer layer was a little bit too stiff for my personal feeling, I gave it some silicone, but others might like it as it is already. A great puzzle - fantastic mechanism. What's missing now is a fantastic solver.. I am sure I am great in mixing it up, but the rest will take a long, long time (for me).
The puzzle can be ordered from Tom van der Zanden's Shapeways webshop, he'll send you the stickers.
You can decide to order either normal coloured stickers or for those who need a more complex puzzle also Super-Dodecahedron stickers for the outer layer and the inner centers are available from him.
Weight: 153g
Size: height 8cm, pentagon edges 3.7cm, inner window edges 1.5cm
External Links
Twisty Puzzles: Yo Dawg, I herd u like Dodecahedron... (Multidodecahedron)http://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=22352YouTube: The Multidodecahedron puzzle - a Megaminx and Master Pentultimate in one! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OfG9flGuTo