Puzzle Details
Extraordinary puzzle mechanism. Initially it looks like a "normal" 2x4x4 cuboid, but it is possible to turn one or both of the inner layers only so far (picture 3), that the cuts are aligned with the four surrounding edge pieces. Then it is possible to twist this layer (picture 4)! This very quickly leads to absolutely confusing shapes. The more the puzzle is mixed up, the harder it is to find possible moves as 1x1 center pieces and 1x2x2 cubies can appear in arbitrary sequence and orientation.
Currently the most confusing and complicated puzzle I know as it is a combination of a shape-shifting and bandaging puzzle.
Overall movement is really good, although the small center pieces tend to pop from time to time, if the puzzle is heavily mixed up.
Weight: 59g
Size: 6.3 x 6.3 x 5.4cm
External Links
TwistyPuzzles: Mixup 2x4x4 by OSKARhttp://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=17665Shapeways: Mixup 2x4x4http://www.shapeways.com/model/113806/mixup_2x4x4.html?gid=sg13603