Puzzle Details
A very carefully built puzzle based on a 5x5x5 V-Cube. You can feel the typical V-Cube mechanism. the shape and all the pieces have been created very carefully. So the turns are really optiomal. Also the stickers are well-formed and even the very tiny stickers on some of the corners are perfectly positioned and are so far not in danger to get lost.
Weight: 169g
Size: Pentagon edge length 3cm, height 6.8cm
External Links
Twistypuzzles: 5x5x5 Dodecahedronhttp://Twistypuzzles: 5x5x5 Dodecahedron Ebay Auctionhttp://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18937Youtube: 5x5x5 Dodecahedronhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKG4d8QS__0