Puzzle Details
This puzzle can be ordered on the shapeways website to get the 3D printed parts.
A completely built puzzle is available from Tom himself.
The shapeways description by Tom van der Zanden:
"This is my variation on Adam G. Cowans excellent helicopter cube. In this version, the cuts are curved so that the orientation of the internal centerpieces can be seen, making the puzzle much more difficult. --- Buying this will get you the 3D printed parts needed to build a white copy of this puzzle. You will need to supply your own M3 screws, springs and washers and stickers (contact me for the template). You need to assemble the puzzle yourself. --- If you want a black puzzle, I recommend that you purchase the white pieces and dye them yourself. The pieces are available from Shapeways in black but I do not recommend this option. --- Contact me directly to get a fully assembled copy of this puzzle for a small fee. --- This puzzle has excellent rotation. I'm very pleased with how it works, it is very stable. --- Curvy Copter puzzle design COPYRIGHT 2010 by Tom van der Zanden"
The puzzle is very light - weight: 75g
Size: edge length 5.7cm
External Links
Shapeways: Curvy Copterhttp://www.shapeways.com/model/91031/curvy_copter.html