Strange Megaminx


Puzzle Details

"Once upon a time, in a world full of living twisty puzzles, there was a little Megaminx, he was almost the same as the other Megaminxes, same dodecahedral shape, same number of rotation axes, same number of pieces, same number of stickers, but there was something special about him. The legend goes that he had always wanted to be like his dual cousin the Face Turning Icosahedron.

A night of desperation, as he wandered the streets, he met an evil wizard who sold him a dihedral magic potion, the wizard promised that it would change the orientation of all of his axes of rotation, but what he didn't said was that it would not give him the 8 additional axes he needed to be a true Icosahedron. The little Megaminx drank the whole potion and went home.

When he woke up the next day, he realized that the wizard had fooled him, and from that day on, his life was all about jumbling and bandaging, which is why everyone calls him the Strange Megaminx...

Fin ;)

(The puzzle is made of 63 pieces, 132 stickers, the edge length is 29mm, 65mm between two opposite faces, and it weight 89g)"

External Links

TwistyPuzzles: Strange Megaminx by Raphaël

All Pictures

Strange Megaminx by Raphaël (1)
Picture provided by Frank Tiex
1920x1280 pixels / 913261 Bytes
Strange Megaminx by Raphaël (2)
Picture provided by Frank Tiex
1920x1280 pixels / 951148 Bytes
Strange Megaminx by Raphaël (3)
Picture provided by Frank Tiex
1920x1280 pixels / 832437 Bytes
Strange Megaminx by Raphaël (4)
Picture provided by Frank Tiex
1920x1280 pixels / 808222 Bytes
Strange Megaminx by Raphaël (5)
Picture provided by Frank Tiex
1920x1280 pixels / 787447 Bytes