Puzzle Details
Original Rubik's Cube: Weight: 114g, edge length: 5.6cm

Rubik's 25 Years Anniversary Cube: 106g, edge length: 5.6cm

Rubik's Icon: 102g, edge length: 5.6cm

3x3x3 Cube Copy: Weight: 101g, edge length: 5.6cm

Large 3x3x3 Cube with dice design: Weight: 234g, edge length: 8.9cm

Small 3x3x3 Cube: Weight: 43g, edge length: 3.8 cm

3x3x3 with Animal Stickers: Weight: 55g, edge length: 5.7cm

3x3x3 Metal Cube: Weight: 400g, edge length: 5.5cm

3x3x3 Keychain Cube: Weight: 28/25/18g, edge length: 3cm

3x3x3 Noughts & Crosses: Weight 67g, edge length: 6cm

3x3x3 Sudoku Cube "Impossi-Doku": Weight 103g, edge length 6.9cm

3x3x3 Silver Cube: Weight 103g, edge length 5.6cm

3x3x3 Glow In The Dark Cube: Weight 97g, edge length 5.7cm

"9x9x9" Sudoku Cube: Weight 78g, edge length 6cm

3x3x3 Cube with tiles: Weight 77g, edge length 5.7cm

3x3x3 Cube with plain tiles (S.A.): Weight 72g, edge length 5.5cm

3x3x3 Cube with round stickers: Weight 108g, edge length 5.6cm

3x3x3 Cube keychain (common or holo stickers): Weight 27g, edge length 3cm

3x3x3 Micro Cube: Weight 7g, edge length 1.9cm

3x3x3 Midi Size Cube: Weight 55g, edge length 4.4cm

3x3x3 German Calendar Cube: Weight 117g, edge length 5.6cm, 15€

3x3x3 Charles & Diana Cube: Weight 107g, edge length 5.6cm

3x3x3 Sixties Cube: Weight 106g, edge length 7cm

3x3x3 Midi Size Cube with hexagonal stickers: Weight 37g, edge length 3,7cm

Mainzelmännchen Cube: Weight 120g, edge length 5.7cm

3x3x3 Rockstar Promo Cube: 115g, edge length 5.7cm

3x3x3 Pearl Polka Dot Cube: 125g, edge length 5.5cm

3x3x3 Shade Shifting Stickers: 106g, edge length 5.6cm

3x3x3 Keychain Doraemon: 41g with packaging, 3.2cm. Body from blue, transparent plastic.

3x3x3 Keychain with Japanese Characters: 19g with packaging, 3cm

3x3x3 promo cube Adobe: 116g, edge length 5.7cm

3x3x3 DianSheng MahJong Cube: 81g, edge length 5.5cm

3x3x3 Winnie Pooh Cube: 72g, edge length 5.8cm

3x3x3 Hello Kitty Cube: 51g, edge length 5.4cm

3x3x3 Phosphorescent Cube with Pac Man stickers: 92g, edge length 5.7cm

3x3x3 pillow-shaped V-Cube: 99g, edge length 5cm, height 6.5cm

3x3x3 Japan Cube: 54g, edge length 5.3cm

3x3x3 Cube - Picture Cube / Chinese Bronze Chariot: 90g, edge length 5.7cm

3x3x3 Cube - Picture Cube / Chinese Terracotta Army: 97g, edge length 5.7cm

Giant 3x3x3 stickerless Cube: 780g, edge length 18cm

3x3x3 Soviet Cube: 99g, edge length 5.8cm

3x3x3 Jigsaw Cube: 99g, edge length 5.7cm

Excelvan YongJun YJ8609 Yulong 3*3 cube: 87g, edge length 5.5cm

3x3x3 Mallorca Cube: 66g, edge length 5.7cm

FIFA cube shows flags of soccer world championship 2006 group G:

France, South Korea, Togo, Switzerland

The ZDF Promotions Mainzelmännchen Cube is a regular 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube.

ZDF is a public German TV channel (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen = Second German Television). The "Mainzelmännchen" are six cute guys appearing between the promotion spots with small own videos. They are present since the early years of this channel and are kind of a cult in Germany. It was a big discussion when some years ago the appearance of the figures was modernised. The Mainzelmännchen cube is available at the ZDF online shop for 10€.

the Latin Calendar Cube was made from a regular 3x3x3 Cube with stickers ordered from Cubesmith. They come with an instruction how to put them on the cube pieces correctly.

Here are the translations for the days and months for those of you not having had Latin at school or being a long, long time away:

Monday = Lunae dies

Tuesday = Martis dies

Wednesday = Mercurii dies

Thursday = Iovis dies

Friday = Veneris dies

Saturday = Saturni dies

Sunday = Solis dies

January = Ianuarius

February = Februarius

March = Martius

April = Aprilis

May = Maius

June = Iunius 	Juni 	June

July = Quintilis (also: Iulius)

August = Sextilis (also: Augustus)

September = September

October = October

November = November

December = December

Be aware, that formerly the vowel U was written like a V!

The stickers for the Symmetrical Cube and the Escher Turtles are from Olivér Nagy.

The Giant 3x3x3 Cube was produced by He Shu Toys in 2014
External Links
Hungarian Rubik's Cube Fan Club: Rubik Studio (Olivér Nagy)http://www.rubikkocka.hu/Twistypuzzles Museum: Big Stickerless Magic Cube (185 mm)http://www.twistypuzzles.com/cgi-bin/puzzle.cgi?pkey=4818