Puzzle Details
The Galaxius puzzle is a variant of the Chronos puzzle by Pantazis Houlis. The puzzle consists of ten telescope antennas, each of them connected at both end with three other ones building a structure, which can be understood as a four-dimensional puzzle.
The edge connections consist of metal rings pairwise connected with plastic cable binders and an interconnecting double ring which allows moves in any directions but holds the two edge ending pairs together.
Goal of the puzzle is to exchange the (inner) golden edge with the black one being one of the outer ones at that time. And vice versa.
Cool mechanism, although it needs adjustments of the interconnectors and cable binders over playing time as our world is geometrically known to be 3D so far. Anyway it gives a very good haptic impression, what 4D really means, as usually this impression can be given only by video simulations so far.
Not a difficult puzzle, but with very high educational concept. Makes curious to see and test more complex versions.
Weigth: 169g
Size: edge minimum 10cm, maximum 24cm.
External Links
Facebook: Pantazis' Puzzles - Higher Dimensional Symmetry (HDs) Puzzles made by Pantazis Houlishttp://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.501391278809.279946.576153809&type=1Higher Dimensional Symmetry Puzzleshttp://www.kastellorizo.org/puzzles/4Ds/