Puzzle Details
Ben VonDerHaar created this 3D printed modification of a Square-1 as a perfect sphere.
It moves extremely well, so it's a big fun to play with.
Ben and I had a long mail conversatiom over several months about the actual status of his parcel. German postal services and also German customs had been really made a poor job. So I proposed to rename at least my Round-1 to "Odyssey-1" to give it an appropriate name.
I haven't checked it, but it must be around 2-3 months until I finally got it.
According to the TwistyPuzzles "Small Round-1 Wainting List" there are currently not more than the six mentioned puzzles existing:
#1: *name protected*, White puzzle, White top, built and shipped
#2: *name protected*, White puzzle, Black top, waiting
#3: *name protected*, ??? puzzle, ??? top, CANCELLED
#3: *name protected* white puzzle, nxnxn color scheme MAYBE, waiting
#4: *name protected* White puzzle, Black top, waiting
#6: Me, black puzzle, white top, waiting
The stickers are made by Frank Schwartz.
Weight: 234g
Size: Diameter: 7.5cm
External Links
TwistyPuzzles: Round-1http://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12550TwistyPuzzles: Waiting List Threadhttp://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12742TwistyPuzzles: "Thank You" Threadhttp://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13588YouTube: Round-1http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_-mXL2PIVc