Puzzle Details
Made from an Eastsheen keychain-sized 2x2x2. Basically a Fisher-style 2x2x2 (or Trickhaus) that has been extended to bring back a standard cross shape on 2 of the sides. 2 sides are bisected and 2 have a Kite Cube pattern.
4 pieces were truncated and 4 pieces were extended. The pieces were then plated with styrene sheet.
Slightly smaller than a regular sized Eastsheen 2x2x2 (approx 0.75 mm shorter edge lengths).
External Links
TwistyPuzzles.com Topichttp://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=12700&sid=07bcda5267ca4ad3d943bf20f91195e0