Puzzle Details
The original puzzle concept was published and patented by Jonathan J. Ashley in 1982. At Twisty Puzzles this idea with a CAD design was initially published by Wayne Johnson in 2005. One year later Adam G. Cowan presented the SuperX 1.0, one of the first 3D printed puzzles. It took nearly one more year for the improved version 2.0. This SuperX 2.0 was shown at the DCD 2007. I owned that puzzle for a couple of years. It was well printed and stickered, but the mechanism was very weak and so it was not easy to complete a move without misaligning some more pieces. In 2011 I gave it to Geert Hellings in exchange for a different puzzle, hoping that sooner or later someone else would come up with an improved version. What I didn't know at that time, was, that Tom van der Zanden was already working on that. He presented his V6 mechanism only one month later. This is the first mechanism without magnets which is working properly.
04/1982: patent - Jonathan J. Ashley
12/2006: version 1 - Adam G. Cowan
08/2007: version 2 - Adam G. Cowan
xx/2009: version 3 - Adam G. Cowan (155g) with bearings
06/2009: version 4 - Andrew Cormier (237g)
07/2009: version 5 - Andrew Cormier/Scott Perry (270g) with magnets
07/2011: version 6 - Tom van der Zanden (86g) with new mechanism without magnets
V3: 155g
V4: 237g
V5: 270g
V6: 86g
V6: 5.8cm
External Links
Twisty Puzzles: TomZ's magnetless SuperXhttp://http://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21584Twisty Puzzles: My SuperX Prototypehttp://http://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5948Twisty Puzzles: Drewseph's Super Xhttp://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13843Twisty Puzzles: Drewseph's Super X Improved!http://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14220Twisty Puzzles: SuperX Mechanismhttp://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4066Twisty Puzzles: SuperX 2.0http://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7378Google patents: Eleven-plane cubical puzzlehttp://www.google.com/patents/about?id=k4IzAAAAEBAJ