Puzzle Details
This puzzle can emulate all the possible variants of bandaged 3x3x3 which one use gluing visible on the surface.
The glued on Lego-Bricks serve as replacement for the stickers and as anchor for the additional plates.
The simulating a specific bandaging the following plate are used:
1x4-Plate (corner-edge-gluing)
2x4-Plate (edge-face-gluing)
1x6-Plate (corner-edge-corner-gluing)
2x6-Plate (edge-face-edge-gluing)
4x4-Plate (2x2-gluing)
4x6-Plate (2x3-gluing)
Weight:129g without any additional Lego pieces (unbandaged), weight of all add-on pieces 74g
Size: 5.5cm of the original base cube. Lego pieces have 3mm height plus 2mm for the knobs.
External Links
TwistyPuzzles: 7356-2 mods in 1http://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=10518