Puzzle Details
"Here is the brother of the Dodoctahedron, they share the same FTO mechanics but this one is more visually confusing, and appealing in my opinion.
To achieve this face pattern I had to bend the geometry of the icosahedron. Instead of a 1:φ ratio for the 3 perpendicular rectangles that give the icosahedron vertices, I used a 1:2 ratio, this way the cuts intersect at the centroid of each faces and at the vertices of the solid.
The puzzle is made of 59 pieces and 96 stickers. There is 60.6mm between two opposite equilateral faces, 62.6mm for the isosceles ones. 35mm and 43mm edge length, for a weight of 70g."
External Links
TwistyPuzzles: Icoctahedron by Raphaëlhttp://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=33581